Formation and Aging (Titans)

Formation and Aging Intelligent Manufacturing Turnkey Solutions for Pouch Cell

Formation and Aging Intelligent Manufacturing Turnkey Solutions for Pouch Cell


Pouch cell formation and aging production line adopts industry-origin series fixture formation technology, providing battery companies with a complete pouch cell production line equipment from high-temperature aging, hot-pressing formation, DEGAS, capacity grading, NG sorting, OCV testing, room-temperature aging, DCIR testing, SOC, cell inspection, to

sorting, along with intelligent logistics throughout the line, combined with self-developed FGS, BIMP, dedicated to building intelligent factories for battery companies.
Currently, we have established strategic partnerships with globally renowned battery manufacturers.

Comparison Table of LEAD vs others

First in the industry to apply the Serial formation fixture technology in batch to the whole line of formation & aging process.

Formation and Aging Solution for Pouch Cells
Conventional Formation and Aging Solution for Pouch Cells
Whole Line Planning & Designing Capability

Empty pressing fixture: allowing the fixture to press even when the cells are not fully placed, reducing the configuration of dummy cell stations and improving the compatibility of the fixture.

Water-heatging fixture: controling the temperature of the fixture by controlling the water temperature; able to switch between cold and hot temperatures.

Water-cooling capacity integrated machine: using heat exchangers to exchange the temperature inside the chamber with cold water; effectively ensuring the temperature uniformity of the chamber and controls the temperature range.

Conventional fixtures: each pressing operation needs to ensure that each channel contains a cell, requiring the use of dummy cells.

Conventional hot-pressing fixture: only has heating function.

Capacity integrated machine: power modules and cells are separately cooled, it’s difficult to ensure the temperature uniformity inside the chamber, and the temperature range cannot be controlled.

Whole Line Efficiency

4-layer formation fixture equipment capacity ≥ 40PPM.

Single-layer formation equipment capacity ≥ 7.5PPM.

Whole Line Comprehensive Availability



Product First Time Yield




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Production line requirements


Formation & Aging Production Line for Pouch cells

Cell Model

L×W×T: 400×100×10


Available for customizationg as per client's requirements


Bipolar electrode blade cell

What we supply



Capacity Requirement by Customer

Single line 40PPM

Supplied by Titans

Formation, capacity grading, OCV, DCIR

Titans' Design

Horizontal hot-pressing formation fixture(PIEF), water-cooling capacity integrated machine


High Pressure Uniformity

The formation fixture can achieve a pressure accuracy of ±1.5% RD when the pressure is >1000kgf, and ±15kgf accuracy when ≤1000kgf.

High Precision

The formation fixture can achieve a temperature control accuracy of ±2°C.


The formation equipment adopts a stacking form, effectively reducing the foorprint.

High temperature uniformity

The capacity grading equipment can achieve chamber temperature uniformity of ±2°C.

Low Energy Consumption

The capacity grading equipment can achieve simutaneous cooling for power modules and cells, reducing energy consumption.